Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Save-The-Date's may be landing on a door mat near you!

Please Save the Dates
15th - 17th July 2011
to celebrate the marriage of
Emma Muir & Edward Fulcher

Little parcel's have been posted and will be making their way across the country today, and possibly landing on your door mat! We hope you like them (we've already had some very complimentary words about them)!!! We'll post some pictures and a bit of info about the idea for the design of them towards the end of the week when we know they've been received.

Stay tuned to our blog, as more information will be added for guests shortly here.

If guests have a question in the meantime, please email us.

Formulating a guest list for Brides & Grooms to be is quite a difficult task (often stressful in fact), especially when guest numbers are limited by the ceremony licence of a venue. So, we've sent Save-the-Dates to our "A-List" (gosh that sounds awful...) of guests that we especially want to share our day with.


  1. They are lovely honey and even better as they are so personal , anyone recieving one is very lucky x

  2. This is an amazing Blog...and it is fab to follow all the "details" :0)
    How times change (I sound like my mum!)
    The parcels are beautiful - and I have had to display ours on a high shelf - out of the reach of Amy - who wishes to see the "little treasures!" Love to my Cuz and new Hubs x
