Wednesday 23 February 2011

It Fits! It Fits!

Well, the past week has been rather exciting... and LOTS of ticks added to the "Wedding To Do List"! But for me, the absolute pinnacle of the week has to be my first dress fitting!!!
I was a bundle of nervous excitement all morning, counting down the hours before I could head off for my first Dress Fitting! We had a little wait when we first arrived at Fleur de Lys... another bride-to-be was in for her 3rd attempt at finding THE DRESS, she was quite obviously struggling and pretty much everything she put on looked amazing! This made me even more nervous and I dreaded seeing her walk out of a changing room in MY dress... thankfully it didn't happen!
What seemed like hours later and shaking (I think with nerves more than excitement) by that point Kim (the shop owner) helped me into my dress... to my complete and utter shock, it actually fit... pretty much perfectly! I could here my mum's and Tracey's nervous chatter outside the changing room... until "ta da"... big smiles (and watery eyes)...
A few minor tweaks are required (in the boobie region) but apart from that, it's ready (GULP)! One little dilemma at the moment... veil... Yes or No? I had been quite adamant that I didn't want one... (I automatically think of Church Weddings when I think of a veil, do you?)... until I tried several on.
There were some immediate "Yuck, no way" comments, some "ooooo yeah" comments, a few "ermmmm" ones, and a resounding "YES"... So at the moment, as you can no doubt tell, I'm undecided (thankfully, veils only take a matter of weeks to arrive, so I could leave the final decision quite late)... If I do go for one, it will compliment my dress beautifully... Oh gosh, decisions decisions!
Veil lengths... what would you opt for?
My dress is now safely tucked away at home (hidden from Evie and locked away from Ed), and so far I've managed to  restrain from the urge of popping it on and prancing around the house... I haven't even taken another peek at it (YET!).

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